Good Morning,
Our team has been saying that this was the best class they’ve ever had! Field Techs typically have a hard time sitting still, but I could tell the were enjoying themselves. They’ve been talking about dog behaviors all week. I feel like we are better prepared for an encounter and I want to thank you both for the training you provided.
Everyone loved the presentation and I have had many compliments on the training.
Thank you as always and look forward to seeing you all again in the near future!
Stay safe!
Mary Glancy, AINS
Risk Manager
Hi Cynthia,
Hope you are all doing well! We just bought 5 online training courses for our employees,
We always appreciate everyone at Bulli Ray. A few hours ago today, one of my employees used what he learned from your courses to stand down a very aggressive pit bull that had more than likely been used for fighting. He actually believed the techniques he learned saved his life because it was a close call.
Thanks for everything,
Amelia H
Element Utility Service, LLC
Hi Mitzi & Cynthia,
I’m writing to thank you for all the help and training you gave me when I was with Davey Tree.
My wife and I were on our morning walk today when I spotted a pit bull mix that we had never seen in our neighborhood before. We started to cross the street to give it some room and it came at us. I stopped and faced it in the middle of the street. I made myself as big as I could and started yelling at it and it veered away at the last second. It made a couple more close approaches and backed away; wouldn’t hold eye contact which made me feel better. Lot’s of teeth and snarling! I thought for a second I was going to have to fight it. There’s no doubt I would have been bitten if I had turned away from the dog.
I called 911 and reported an aggressive dog loose in the street and that I had been attacked.
The nice lady told me that if I wasn’t bitten, I wasn’t attacked and that I should have called the non emergency number but she would pass the message along. I’m not sure what to make of that.
The rest of the morning has been pretty quiet.
I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how much I appreciate the skills you shared with me. I hope all is well with you and the rest of your team.
Joe Engberg
Sent from my iPad
Hi Mitzi & Cynthia,
With respect to your videos, I know our safety supervisor acquired one recently. I watched it and think you did an excellent job updating the content. We are showing it to all our new employees then telling them that someday we will return to live dog training.
Quick story for you…..back in April I was taking a walk along our road at the end of a long work day. I was using a wireless headphone and remote mic while speaking with our daughter so I wasn’t entirely focused on my surroundings. All of a sudden, without warning, a very aggressive dog started running at me at a high rate of speed – barking and angry. It appeared to be a mixed breed with some pit bull features in his head and shoulders. It was about ¼ mile from our house but I had never noticed the dog before.
Instinctively I turned to the dog, stepped toward him, spread my arms out and yelled, “NO, GO HOME!” so loudly that it scared my daughter and the dog. The dog stopped about 15 ft from me and trotted parallel with me for a few paces until I yelled at him again, then he retreated to his house. After attending at least 20 of your training classes over the years, I guess something finally stuck!
Thank you for what you do. Our guys have told stories like this over and over. We are currently enjoying our lowest injury rate in our Company’s history and we are appreciative of partners like you who have helped us reach this point.
Take care…..wash your hands!
Hi Cynthia,
Thank you so much for the test module. I must tell you that my business partner, Brian Albrecht, Chief Executive of Operations and Safety, took the test (the certificate has my name on it). He thought it was great and a wonderful safety tool. We have just purchased twenty classes.
We are excited to add this testing to our list of safety materials. You all did a fantastic job of creating this online class and test.
Element Utility Service
Hi Cynthia,
First, please share this with Mitzi as I don’t have her email. Fantastic training! I have heard nothing but positive feedback from the training sessions you conducted down here. I have been around dogs all my life and learned a couple useful tidbits from your training. Understanding their drives and their hierarchy really helps you quickly understand the dog in front of you.
I had one meter reader share this true story with me. The day After our training (last Friday) this person encountered five (5) loose dogs while doing his routes. He was able to navigate through each encounter without issue and kept himself safe. He noted that none of the dogs appeared to be dominate aggressive which helped him understand what he had to do to be safe. Talk about putting newly learned skills to the test! I’m not sure how these encounters would have gone if he had not been through this training…
Thank you both for coming down and visiting us. Mitzi’s stories really hit home, the facts presented were undisputable, and the live dog really brought everything home (and was fun – for those of us in the audience, LOL). We look forward to seeing you again. Take care.
Timothy Parks CSD, RMPE
Timothy Parks, Certified Safety Director, Risk Management for Public Entities l Risk Manager l City of Bradenton l Risk and Safety Division
Bulli Ray Trained Erie, PA Water Works on August 2 2019
Feedback – I’m not kidding one bit - one of THE BEST training sessions I have been through! I wasn’t initially supposed to stay; was there to just help get the morning going but was so intrigued that I refused to leave!!! SOOOOO beneficial for everyone there – I saw the attention from EVERYONE as it was taught with a “straight-shooter” approach to reality! None of this sugar-coated stuff… was facts represented by REAL-LIFE training! I believe the actual dog biting demonstration hit home to all. You can read about it, watch it on a video but man, to hear her bark and see it in her eyes that she means business, really got the attention of all. I learned SO much and I am not even in the field of work that pertains to this but it is something I will never forget and HOPEFULLY, will never need to use however, I do a lot of walking and can encounter it at some point maybe. At least I will know what to do!
Explaining the different personalities of the dogs hit home too. To see the different body languages of the breeds will stick with me. Great thing to point out.
I can’t thank you guys enough. I have personally heard nothing but GREAT compliments from those that attended. FINALLY, a training class that was interactive, beneficial and not boring!!!
Ann Whipple
Erie Water Works
Favorite aspects of the conference? Subject matter.
Least favorite? TEST
Conference Changes? I would change nothing.
5 stars
Interaction with other trainers and instructors
What would change about the conference? Nothing!
Great conference
Interaction with dogs outside, learning about dog behavior and how it pertains to the employee
5 stars
Best part for me was working with the dogs and seeing their drives
Very good overall
Very good conference
As a long standing safety professional required to attend many instructional sessions to satisfy various certifications, I feel this training is by far the most relevant and interesting. The application goes beyond the work environment and the basic tactics are simplistic enough to teach to a wide audience. Bulli Ray’s training challenges conventional beliefs and offers compelling scientific evidence and demonstrations to further drive the logic. I highly recommend this training for anyone exposed to dog encounters in their profession.
Certified Trainer on Dog Bite Prevention, Deb Boyce - Lewis Tree
Mitzi and her team do a fantastic "hands on" presentation on dog behaviors and steps to take to prevent dog bite injuries. A definite must for employees who are at risk for dog bites while performing their work.
I would like to share with you my personal experience regarding the dog attacks and the impact of the Bulli Ray program. Unfortunately, I was attacked by a pair of Labradors on March 15 2004, while reading meters in a customer's backyard. The circumstance were particularly misfortunate due to the fact that the dogs charged me from a short distance while I was perched on a stepping stone reading a meter over the fence. That lad to me being knocked onto the ground putting me in a very vulnerable/dangerous position. Being unable to confront or attempt to control the dogs from the ground, I relied on what I had learned in the Bulli Ray program. These learning’s, I strongly believe got me through a desperate situation with the least amount of injuries. The following are a few of my thoughts and actions during the attack. Again, and I can'tstress enough, I firmly believe this made the difference between my having received several bite wounds on my legs and feet, and the possibilities of having sustained extremely more sever injuries."
From the program:
- I knew it was necessary to get up on my feet.
- I knew I needed to protect my arms and hands if I was to get up.
- The wounds I got were not as bad as they would have been had I fought
back against the more aggressive dog. - I quickly identified the more aggressive dog and focused on my
reactions/movements to that one dog. - I realized that every situation and every dog being individual and unique.
I had to make quick judgments about these two particular dogs in relation to what I'd learned in the Bulli Ray program.
Cynthia, I always enjoy your newsletters; they are both enjoyable as they are informative.
I had the opportunity to see the Bulli Ray program yesterday morning that Bill Robins has recommended. It is excellent! It is a two hour program, condensed from a 4 hour program. I highly recommend it for our conference in Colorado Springs.
Mitzi, I wanted to thank you again for a great class. Everyone enjoyed it tremendously and learned a lot. We are still talking about it. We havetaken some of your ideas and implemented them into our policies. Good luck with your endeavor on educating the public, I think it is a fabulous idea! Thanks again!
I attended the show at the 54TH Mid South Meter School. You did a great joy. Very enjoyable! Hope I never get attacked.
On Sept. 29, 2009 I had spent the night with some friends of mine in Hurst, Texas. My friend, Tim Van Mol, was the proud owner of 10 new baby puppies from his 2 dogs he owns. They were about 2 weeks old and, needless to say, the mother dog was very protective of her babies. Normally, both dogs are so docile and well behaved that the worst you get from them is constant licking and wanting to be petted.
Well, I was asleep in the living room, on the sofa, and had just woke up as the TXU meter reader was going by the front window to come around back to read the meter.
All of a sudden, both dogs started going nuts by barking and scrambling to the doggy door to go outside. I immediately knew they were after the TXU employee. I jumped up to try and call them back just as Tim was getting to the patio door. We were both too late. The dogs were out and had the man cornered. I then saw he had one of your BITE STICKS in hand and had the mother dog on it and in control of the situation. The other dog just stood back and watched in awe as the TXU worker slowly and calmly backed out of the yard with mama dog in tow. Just like you instructed them to do.
This is the first time I have actually seen the BITE STICK in action. I told Tim how I knew about it and how much money y'all just saved HIM and TXU. Not to mention the wounds the worker could have received. I intend to call TXU and let them know that the time and effort and money they invested in your class for their employees just paid off big for that particular worker. I bet he was glad he had the stick and had taken your class also. He could have been seriously hurt that day.
I have seen your class and video, and I have passed on your information to anyone that has a dog or comes in contact with dogs. I even tell people that go for walks in their own neighborhood, that they should invest in THE BITE STICK. I have a couple myself, that I keep in my car and at the house, just in case I come upon a vicious stray dog.
I hope you can use this testimonial to show how much your class is needed to make the public aware of how dogs can turn on you in any given situation. Like I said before, both of these dogs were friendly pets. But since there were newborn puppies around, both dogs, especially the mother dog, became over protective and acted out of the ordinary. It surprised both Tim and me. BTW, Tim says to tell y'all thanks so much for saving him an expensive hospital bill or possible lawsuit. He is a believer in your class now too.
Cynthia would like to thank you, Mitzi, the dog handler and of course the Dog. Everyone really enjoyed the training, even though a lot of them have had it many times. It is always good to refresh and those that were first timers were impressed on what they were taught. The awareness for this class is very important with what we do and customer service is very high on our list of cultures and values here at the District. Knowing how to act around the customer’s dog shows professionalism on our part to the customers. Again thank you again for the great training and hope to have more training in the future. Thanks
What a great program. All of our employees thought that the class was their best ever. We will try to schedule again in the future. Thank you
The Train the Trainer course conducted by the Bulli Ray staff was professional, informative and performed in an environment conducive to learning. The instructor materials that I was given during the training will enable me to take this information back to my workplace and create a dog safety training program that all of our employees will benefit from.
PG&E began using Bulli Ray dog bite prevention training in late 1999. With over 900 meter readers in the field, it was critical we provide the best training available. Since then, Mitzi and Anthony have returned to our company, often twice each year, in order to train new hires and others who have not seen her program. Her training is dynamic and leaves the student with an excellent understanding of canine behavior. Countless dog bites have been avoided because of the training we continue to receive from Mitzi and her team.
Before using Bulli Ray training and techniques, dog bites were a leading cause of workplace injuries in our Company. Some dog attacks were severe and resulted in serious injury to our employees. Mitzi and Cynthia helped us develop a comprehensive dog bite prevention strategy around the Bulli Ray methods and since we’ve been using their training materials and live dog presentations, our incidents of dog bites have decreased substantially. Our employees love the live dog experience and the hands-on training provided by the Bulli Ray team. Thanks for a job well done.
I have been back to work and reading my routes. It is amazing how much and how well what I learned at BulliRay works in the field. Unreal!!!!
It has made my days so much easier and more importantly safer. I'm more confident and able to understand at a much deeper level what the dogs are telling me and what I'm telling them. I now have a plan and the skills to execute that plan for every yard that I enter.
I really wanted to thank you for all the useful information I received from your class. I must say that I was skeptical in the beginning as I have worked in the field of Animal Control going on 20yrs and have had many experiences with aggressive dogs. What I realize now is that I have been extremely lucky that I haven't been seriously injured or killed. Its truly frightening the amount of the people who currently own these mollosser/guard dog breeds and have no idea what type of dog they have or training it should receive. I especially liked the in depth back ground explanation of the dog drives, how a dog thinks and how to defend yourself if attacked. I would highly recommend your training for any Animal Control or Field Officers or any businesses the routinely go to people homes. Thank You!!!
I must admit, I wasn’t going to stay for the presentation because I didn’t feel it related to my portion of the business. I must commend you and your staff for opening my eyes on few things. You did a great job and introducing us all to not only the hazards but also may misconceptions. I will certainly recommend your organization in the future.
A worthwhile investment, I highly recommend Bulli Ray LLC. We brought them in a year and a half ago to address dog bite hazards in the workplace. They gave a 2-hour training for our field service personnel and put on a 3-day train-the-trainer course, both with a live Belgian Malanois. Dog Bite Prevention training is now part of our Risk Mgt curriculum (sans the live dog). The best part is, we know the techniques work based on reports we've received from employees who have taken the class.