CALHOUN COUNTY, Ill. ( June 9 2021 -- A FedEx delivery driver was critically injured when he was attacked by two American Bulldogs in rural Illinois. Police in Calhoun County, Illinois tell News 4 the FedEx driver was attacked north of Kampsville on Saturday. The worker had to have his left arm amputated below the forearm. He also sustained serious injuries to his right arm and both legs. The worker remains in a St. Louis hospital with significant injuries and is awaiting further surgeries. The brother of the victim said the two dogs busted through the home's front door when he was delivering a package. When the homeowner got home, the dogs were on top of the driver. … [Read more...]
VPPPA Blog – Occupational Dog Bite Safety
Check out our BLOG on VPPPA's site! … [Read more...]
The Human Factor
Not only can dogs be found nearly everywhere, but another factor to consider is that humans, for the most part, like dogs. From the time we are small children, most of us have been exposed to materials that produce false beliefs about what dogs really are – animals. Most dog owners humanize their pets, a phenomenon we see over and over again in TV and movies. Remember Lassie, Rin Tin Tin and Benji? This humanization goes one step further when dogs are made to talk in animated productions including “Lady and the Tramp,” “Scooby-Doo” and “Underdog.” When we start thinking of dogs as part of our family – as people instead of animals – we are setting ourselves up for problems later on. If you own a dog, it’s likely your dog believes it’s a member of a pack that consists of you and your family members. Unprovoked and unexpected dog attacks usually occur when a new person – such as a houseguest or a baby – or a new dog are introduced into the pack. … [Read more...]
Bulli Ray Dog Bite Stick Saves Employees Life!
Dog Bite Stick Saves Employee PDF Employees sometimes refuse to carry one more thing on the job to protect themselves. When I was working for a large company in Southern California, I suggested to management that their employees carry a tool to put between themselves and an attacking dog. There was a huge uproar and even the union got involved. I needed to convince the company to start a pilot program in the field. Once the Dog Stick was proven and successfully used in defense of an employee there would be no more negative attitudes. Jose was the lead meter reader and the most vocal of the group. He constantly complained about carrying the Dog Stick before starting his route. He always reminded others how he’s never been bit and had enough to carry. He thought having to carry more tools would create more risk and be unsafe. I got a call from Jose’s supervisor; he had been viciously attacked! They wanted me to come in as soon as I could to discuss the incident. I asked if Jose … [Read more...]
Severely injured meter reader attacked by two Mastiffs! Was never told about the puppies in the yard.
This event took place with a meter reader working for a mid-western company. We spoke to the company many times in the past about the need for dog bite prevention training, however they always had the same excuse that their dog bites were low and had no serious attacks. UNTIL NOW! Bulli Ray received a call that they needed training, NOW! The senior manager of field operations was relieved to speak to us and asked us to come and train immediately. It is important to understand the incident that transpired so that Bulli Ray can reinforce the needed training with all field employees. She started to say that all field personnel should have been alerted and she was a little hesitant, but then she agreed to share the story. One of her female field employees who was fairly inexperienced was only on the job about six months when she was attacked by two Mastiffs! The female dog was over 150 pounds, while the male weighed in a 210 pounds! She was lucky that she was not killed. She spent … [Read more...]
Field Scenarios
Out in the field you can encounter many different structures of homes and various types of dogs. We can educate you on the signs to observe to be prepare you for any scenario. As you approach your location, there are several things to look for that will help you determine if there is a dog present and any obstacles you may face. Can you determine if they have a dog? Do they have a fence, etc. What happens when that employee comes face to face with an aggressive dog? The employee could panic and run or jump the fence. If they are lucky and clear the fence, they may have a broken leg by doing so! The consequence can be severe and result in short- or long-term disability. Another scenario is that the employee doesn’t make it over the fence and may get caught up while attempting to go over the fence. They can have severe cuts and wounds and also be vulnerable for the dog to jump and grab them! If they don’t make it to the fence?! What can they do? We can educate … [Read more...]
Why you need BulliRay! Signals & Triggers
We educate you on the canine signals and triggers that can help save your employees lives! Some dogs are more dominate than others, while others may be submissive. Its hard to know unless you learn to read the canine signals. Is there a song or smell that triggers a certain memory that brings you back to a place in time? These triggers can also turn a submissive dog into a very violent one! Some employees convince themselves that all dogs are good and love whomever they meet, these individuals are in for a hard time. They go through life convinced a dog is only aggressive because it was abused by someone. While it could be true for the very few, many can have triggers for the first time. This attitude will be a workman’s comp injury waiting to happen. Others in the field with several years of experience may have learned the canine signals, but unfortunately, they learned the HARD way! You are making it far more dangerous if you come into the field humanizing dogs. … [Read more...]
Let’s take a PAWS to learn about the Individual dog!
The Individual Dog: Each dog has their own identity. There is no breed of dog that has a make up of all good or bad individual traits. This is why some Golden Retrievers are cross trained for both search & rescue and street patrol and many Pit Bulls that are trained and make excellent service dogs. The Pit Bull has an incredible strong social drive, willingness to please and are easily trained. Did you know, these animals can respond to various health issues such as low blood sugar or oncoming seizures? In addition, they can remind you when to take your medications! Every breed or mix of that breed will be different. They have traits that are passed from generation to generation, but just like people, it is much more than great genes. Although dog breeds in general have certain temperaments that make their personality somewhat predictable, it is impossible to predict how their personality will manifest. Just as your own family, you may be brought up in the same environment, but … [Read more...]
Rates of dog bites in children up during COVID-19 pandemic
Aurora, Colo. (Aug. 11, 2020) - Greater rates of Colorado's children are going to the pediatric emergency department as a result of dog bites during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recently published commentary article in the Journal of Pediatrics. The article's authors, Cinnamon Dixon, DO, MPH/MSPH and Rakesh Mistry, MD/MS, who are attending physicians at Children's Hospital Colorado (Children's Colorado) and University of Colorado School of Medicine faculty, share data revealing significant increases in dog bite rates presenting to Children's Colorado since the initiation of statewide stay-at-home orders in March. Moreover, high rates of dog bite injuries have continued even as these orders have relaxed over time. "It is well known that the number of dog bites tends to increase during the spring and summer months," said Dr. Dixon. "However this year's rates of emergency department visits due to dog bites have been startling." The incidence of visits for dog bites to … [Read more...]
Texas Ranks Second in Dog Attacks in National Study
I want to take this time to recognize postal workers from across the country for their hard work and dedication. While delivering mail through rain, sleet, hail, and even snow they are determined to make sure we have our mail delivered daily. Also, on the things postal workers have to deal with are dog attacks and they do happen often as the United States Postal Service has released information on dog attacks on their mail carriers. During the week of Sunday, (June 14), through Saturday, (June 20) is recognized as National Dog Bite Awareness Week and they released information on dog attacks on their mail carriers and the numbers are quite interesting. The study conducted revealed that the number of employees who have been bitten by dogs in 2019 are 5,302. The top five cities where dog attacks occurred in 2019 are as followed and three of them are in the state of Texas. Houston Texas (85 attacks) Los Angeles, California (74 attacks) Chicago, Illinois (54 … [Read more...]