Posted: Jun 13, 2020 / 01:24 PM CDT In honor of Dog Bite Awareness Week, the United States Postal Service is calling on pet owners to help lower the number of dog bites experienced by postal workers. According to the USPS, there were 491 dog attacks on postal workers in Texas in 2019, the second-highest state total in the country. In the Rio Grande District, 127 of these attacks occurred. In total, there were 5,803 dog attacks on USPS employees in 2019. While these numbers are down from 2018, the USPS stresses that one bite is too many. The USPS is encouraging residents to “Be Alert: Prevent the Bite” and to take caution to ensure the safety of postal workers on their route. U.S. Postal Service Dog Awareness Week runs from June 14 to June 20 as the USPS stresses that aggressive dog behavior poses a threat to more than 80,000 postal workers. The following are safety tips provided by the USPS: When a carrier delivers mail or packages to your … [Read more...]
The JAPANESE TOSA…A Predatory Breed!!
It is no surprise that the Japanese Tosa is known as “The Canine Sumo Wrestler of the Orient.” This breed is one of the many known fighting breeds but with a BIG twist. This breed fights in competitions for honor, not blood. At least that was what the sport was originally about. Things have changed in the last 20 years--not in Japan, but here in the United States. So Just Who Is The Tosa??? • Like the Mastiff, the Tosa is also very large and fawn or black in color. He has a short, course coat with a long tail, a narrow body, and is taller than wide. The Mastiff’s body on the other hand is very thick and heavy with lots of substance. Despite the similarities in their heads, the Tosa has more jowls, drools a lot…not a very becoming trait, and looks narrower. Their extra jowls and very loose skin come from one of its strong ancestors, the Bloodhound. • The Tosa’s Wrestling Weight Classes are: o 75-100 pounds o 100-150 pounds o 150-200 pounds o 200-250 pounds (yes, these dogs … [Read more...]
Dog-Bites Soar at LA Animal Services – California
ANIMAL WATCH-GM Brenda Barnette let Assistant GM Tammy Watson announce the bad news at the LA Animal Services Board of Commissioners meeting that 94 dog bites/attacks occurred in LAAS animal shelters during 2019. This was up from 59 in 2018 and is more than a 59% increase. The victims were the public, volunteers, and employees. ARE DOG ATTACKS/BITES THE ‘NEW NORMAL’ AT LA CITY SHELTERS? Following is an excerpt from the official stats compiled by Los Angeles Animal Services: In 2018, 31 employees, 16 volunteers and 12 members of the public were bitten--6 of these injuries were "severe." In 2019, 39 employees, 32 volunteers (twice as many as in 2018) and 23 members of the public were victims of dog bites at LAAS shelters--8 were "severe" injuries. … [Read more...]
BO’S STORY… Bo was an Argentine Dogo!
Mitzi Robinson Bulli Ray - 04/21/2020 As many of you know who have participated in our programs, there is barely enough time to cover course content let alone get into story telling that supports that content based on our personal experiences with the dogs selected for our programs. In the weeks ahead, I will be writing about these “stories” and why we selected the animals that we did as well as how we saved other animals from being destroyed. Below, is the story of “Bo” our most popular dog in the history of our Occupational Dog Bite Safety Training Program. BO’S STORY… Bo was an Argentine Dogo! He came to us when he was 11 months old and through the years became the most requested and feared dog in our training program even though he never growled, barked, or took any bites on the jute sleeve. He rocked the field employees to their core. Why??? He was a true predatory animal. In other words, he was the silent attacker…a true opportunist. At 140 pounds, he was light on his feet … [Read more...]
City aims to crack down on loose dogs – Cassville, MO
Cassville officials budget for catch equipment, plan to use existing facility. After months of pleas, led by Cassville resident Nadean Davis, the city of Cassville gave an answer as to what they plan to do to curb loose and aggressive dogs within city limits. Mayor Bill Shiveley said the city considered three options during budget hearings in November. Option one was to stay the course, with no action taken. Fiscally, this would be $0 for start-up and carry annual reoccurring costs of up to $250. Option two was to develop a more complete animal control program with a leash law, pet registration, a new facility, an animal control vehicle and a dedicated animal control officer. Estimated costs were $200,000 at start-up and annual costs of about $75,000. The third option was a hybrid solution, wherein the city will make a concerted effort to enforce the existing ordinances without a leash law or pet registration. “After looking at everything and discussing it at the budget … [Read more...]
Homeowners’ liability claim dollars
Dog bites and other dog-related injuries accounted for nearly one third of all homeowners’ liability claim dollars paid out in 2018, costing $675 million, according to the I.I.I. and State Farm, the largest writer of homeowners’ insurance in the United States. An analysis of homeowners’ insurance data by the I.I.I. found: The number of dog bite claims nationwide decreased to 17,297 in 2018, compared to 18,522 in 2017— a 6.6% decrease. The average cost per claim increased by 5.3%. The average cost paid out for dog bite claims was $39,017. in 2018, compared with $37,051 in 2017. In 2018, State Farm paid $123 million for 3,280 dog bite and injury claims. The majority of these bites, are preventable through knowledge and education. Take our online course today! … [Read more...]
2018 Dog Bite Fatality: Back-to-Back Dogo Argentino Attacks, One Fatal, Both with Similar Circumstances and Victims Police confirm the Huntingtown dog attack victim has died. Jenna Sutphin, 28, was savagely attacked by a Dogo argentino about 7:15 am this morning. She was airlifted to a hospital in critical condition with bite injuries to the back of her head and neck. Earlier today, it was reported that her family was "preparing for the worst." Sutphin and her fiance, Jason Hammer, who is a Prince George's County Correctional Center K-9 handler, breed and sell Dogo argentinos. The attack unfolded in front of the couple's home, which overlooks Route 4. A driver traveling along Route 4 called 911 about 7:00 am after seeing an animal attacking something, reports WTOP. When the trouper arrived at the overgrown area near the highway, the dog was still actively attacking her. The trouper shot the dog causing it to flee. The driver who called in this attack and this trouper will forever live with the memories of … [Read more...]
Mail carrier attacked by Multiple dogs in Beaver Falls, PA
A local postal worker was injured Tuesday afternoon by a group of three dogs, police said. Beaver Falls Police Chief John DeLuca said the carrier had a “minor” bite and some scrapes and bruises after an encounter with the dogs. DeLuca said the carrier was delivering mail to home on Third Avenue when the animals ran into the street, where the postal worker was bit. The dogs were confined in their yard afterward. DeLuca said charges against the dog owner are pending further investigation. Tad Kelley, a spokesman for the U.S. Postal Service, said his office will make a “determination on the street delivery” and any potential changes to the route once investigators have more information. “Thankfully, our employee is going to be OK,” he said. Dog attacks increase in the summer to mail carriers and to the public in general, Kelley said. “We instruct our employees to be constantly aware, be informed and avoid any situation regarding a known loose dog,” he said. “Dogs are … [Read more...]
Utility worker attacked by dogs – Omaha Neb OMAHA, NEB (KMTV) - Oct 9, 2017 A utility worker attempting to read a meter at a South Omaha home walked through the gate and was bitten by two dogs. "It’s kind of scary I didn't know there were mean dogs like that right behind me." He was taken to the hospital with injuries to his hands and legs. Neighbors say it's shocking. "I haven't had any issues with the dogs, none whatsoever." Marjorie Brennan lives just two doors down and knows the owner and his two dogs. "The dogs have never been allowed to run free, they are always fenced in.” “They are always on a leash when he walks them, and I have never heard before that they have attacked anybody." The Nebraska Humane Society says the owner will not be cited since the sign is visible on the fence. "He extended that fence when he figured out they could jump it, so that's been there for a very long time." Brennan says walking past the … [Read more...]
Pit Bulls
There are certain topics that should be avoided in casual conversation because they ignite a rash of different emotions. Religion and politics are two topics that usually are avoided and the pit bull breed is fast becoming such a topic. On one hand you have those that will defend the pit bull insisting it is the environment and owners that dictate their behavior. While on the other hand you have those that believe all pit bulls are dangerous and should be banished all together. Pit bulls have a very distinctive muscular build due to their origins of the European Bulldog and eventual breeding with the terrier. The European Bulldog was used for baiting bulls, bears and holding down large animals. When baiting was banned in the 1800’s European Bulldogs were then used in dog fighting, but a more agile dog was desired and thus they were bred with the terrier. Pit bulls are now known for having a very stocky and strong build while being able to maintain extreme athleticism. They currently … [Read more...]